Our Culture and Enduring Legacy
Our Approach
Grounded by our company values, Focused on What Matters: Embracing Humanity and Protecting the Planet articulates our purpose and our commitment to a set of priorities and goals we hope will generate actions that can have an enduring impact on the world.
Our Approach to
Social Impact & Sustainability (SI&S)
We operate with integrity and strategic focus.
- Governance
- Social Impact & Sustainability (SI&S)
- Strategy and Performance
- Additional Program Areas
Our Approach to
Protecting the Planet
We work to ensure our operations are environmentally sustainable.
- Climate
- Energy
- Water
- Material & Waste
- Design & Development
- Sustainable Events
- Resort Environmental Profiles
Our Approach to
Investing in Our Communities
We are invested in growing and supporting strong communities.
- Charitable Giving
- Employee Engagement & Volunteering
- MGM Resorts Foundation
More Information
Social Impact & Sustainability Policies
We have a number of policies in place to formalize and operationalize our social impact and sustainability efforts.